
The Great Seljuk (Nizam e Alam) Episode 26 - Story Review

The Great Seljuk (Nizam e Alam) Episode 26 in Urdu, English

In The Great Seljuk (Nizam e Alam) Episode 26 after crossing the wooden bridge over the Jihun River and the boat bridge, the highway leading from Samarkand to Neshapur was as gloomy as the moment of the ill-fated circuit. It lay desolate like a barren and barren tree. The wandering disciples flying in the sky had created another state of anxiety on this highway. In such a situation, the highway suddenly resounded with the tops of horses because a rider had a shield in his left hand besides a horse's bridle and a sword in his right hand. He was galloping his horse towards Neshapur. Behind him, six or seven riders followed him, brandishing their swords. Maybe they were after him and wanted to attack him. The rider running ahead would repeatedly turn around and look back, perhaps doing so for his own safety and security.

The Great Seljuk (Nizam e Alam) Episode 26
On the highway from Samarkand to Neshapur, there was an intersection. From which highways came out in different directions. One of them went to Khwarazm. The other was heading for Jurjan through Tus. Passing through the third Tirmidhi, it went to Badakhshan and from there to the right. The fourth was passing on the right towards Takharistan and the fifth was running straight towards Neshapur.

Also see: Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu (The Great Seljuk) Episode 25 in Urdu, English

Arriving at this intersection, the rider turned around several times and saw that the pursuers were now very close. From this situation, his condition had turned into a tornado. The flames rained down on his eyes, the strong winds of lightning. The sight of blind passages of pain could be seen on his face. Then, suddenly pulling to the left of his horse, he turned like the black winds of oppression and the deep stormy sea of ​​time. He raised his Takbir loudly a few times and then attacked them like the flying dust of pain over the oppressive desert seasons and the beauty of autumn in the worst accusations of life.

The pursuers were six riders. He passed between them, placing three on the left and three on the right. He stopped the left's attack on his shield and defended the left as well as showed his color and in this attack, he killed two of their comrades.

The pursuers were stunned by his bloody attack.

Going a little farther, he pulled his horse's harness vigorously. The horse rebelled, raised its front two legs in the air, nodded, then turned, obeying its master.

In The Great Seljuk (Nizam e Alam) Episode 26 a few times after turning, he patted the back of his horse. The horse once again raised both its legs in the air and nodded wildly. At the same time, the rider raised his Takbir a few times in the same savage manner. This time there were messages of peace and happiness on his face. There were peace and contentment like the songs of dreams and the colors of innocence. Then he saddled his horse and attacked the four builders like black dust storms in the skies, the horror of coincidence and the falling snow of naked sparks.

Now he was competing in front of all four of them. In his first attack, he had rounded up two more of his comrades. The other two were left and they were somewhat hesitant to fight it.

The rider fell on them blindly. From left to right, he would sometimes hit someone on the keys with his sword, so he finished the work of another. The last survivor could not stand in front of him for long, so he cut off his neck.

He was just thinking when he was stunned because a few other riders were following him. To avoid them, he wanted to mount his horse. Some riders also appeared from the front. They were coming from the highway leading to Neshapur. The riders coming from the front were closer than the pursuers.

He wondered which way to turn for his own safety. Then one of them was probably their pioneer. He addressed the rider and said.

"Syidi Arsalan! Now you don't have to worry. We are the messengers sent by Sultan Malik Shah Seljuq. And we will deal with those who are pursuing you. Let the Sultan know all about your situation." That's why they sent us to protect you.

The narrator stopped because the pursuers were approaching. Then he made a special gesture to his colleagues. On which he moved. The pursuers were attacked and in a few moments, they were all piled up.

In The Great Seljuk ( Nizam e Alam ) Episode 26 After eliminating the pursuers, the rider approached the person who was being pursued. And whose name was called Arsalan by those who came from Neshapur. He addressed them.

My dear, I am thankful and grateful to all of you for helping me and protecting me against these persecutors.

Note: This article is based on fact and is based on the actual history of all the characters given in it without images.

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