
Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah and Genghis Khan

Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah and Genghis Khan


Baghdad, the center of learning. From where the basic principles of various sciences like science, philosophy, religion, jurisprudence, grammar, etc. were formulated; .. Baghdad! What was considered a stronghold of the Muslims who lost its power at that time? His intellectual thought was being undermined by fundamental, inaction, and vested interests and so-called intellectuals had kept the masses engaged in debates and debates. Genghis Khan, on the other hand, was advancing towards the Khwar Zam Empire after incorporating the Chinese locusts, including the locusts of Samrachai and Xinjiang into his empire. The Khwarazm Empire and Baghdad had mutual animosities, but the intellectuals wanted to convince Genghis Khan that the Muslims were united in spite of their mutual animosities and that in the event of an attack on his Khwarizm, the Baghdad government Will support the king.

But it did not happen! Genghis Khan prepared for the contest and came to attack Kharazm Shah. The Mongol troops were advancing from north to south like a whirlwind. The vast pastures of Turkestan had reached the gates of the Hindu Kush. All the way they were fighting and dying. Dressed in animal skins, there was an endless sea of ​​bloodthirsty beasts stretching from one horizon to another. The rays of the sun were shining on their steel weapons in such a way that the spears of their spears shone and dazzled the eyes. It seemed to be engulfed in a storm. Terror spread among the people… .. Mongols were coming… .. Doomsday was gathering in front of the

Khwarazm is an important region of Turkestan, with Khiva as its main city. It is located 140 miles south of the Aral Sea, 280 miles north of Moro, and 400 miles east of the Hazar Sea, on the western bank of the Jeihan River. At Parwan, to the south of the area, there was a brave young man named Jalaluddin who tried his best to confront them by testing the speed of his warhorse and the edge of his sword. Genghis Khan!… .. This warrior of seven hundred years ago got the titles of Qatal Azam, Qahr Khuda, Jangjoi Kamil. Historians believe that when he marched with his army, his journey was not on miles, but on latitude and longitude. The cities that came in his way would often disappear like a misspelled letter. The rivers would change course, the deserts would be filled with refugees, and the dead would be filled with refugees, and after that, in the areas that were once inhabited, there would be no living creatures except wolves and donkeys.

Genghis Khan was leading his army. He was surrounded by soldiers of his personal bodyguard who had fought in most battles. He was riding on the back of his black horse. This was the horse whose lineage matched the highest horse that crossed the Great Wall of China. What periods did Genghis Khan not go through since then? At the age of thirteen, he took command of a small army of black horses. From that time until today, when her reddish-brown hair was white. His little blue eyes had seen the sea of ​​blood flowing and he was determined to conquer the whole world before his death. Even then, three-quarters of the Eurasian territory was under its control. Only the governments of Europe and the Middle East were outside his empire.

Genghis Khan was advancing when his eyes fell on a city wall. He pulled the reins of his horse, and all of a sudden his cavalry stopped his horses. At the same time, the earth began to settle down slowly, and in the dimness of the scattering dust, his army saw this city. Genghis Khan said, "It will be destroyed in a few days. First, it will be burned, then the whole city will be plowed on the demolished rubble in such a way that its name will not remain. And then green grass will grow here. And this area will be like the land God created. This city! This city that farmers and traders settled for themselves. This suffocating city. God created the world for green grass. Grass that can be food for our horses and cattle. When I cross this area, this city will once again become a pasture. ” On the other hand, Jalaluddin had been informed of the arrival of Genghis Khan's army. He left for Genghis Khan with a banner of peace in his hand for direct talks.

An officer of Geez Khan's army pointed to the city. From there, three people were advancing carrying the white flag of temporary peace. Genghis Khan smiled, "You don't even have to fight these people." They are already ready to lay down their arms. " The three riders were advancing towards this savage army. Suddenly one of the riders turned his horse and he hurried back to the city. There was a thrill among the Mongols. The other two men were marching with their flags. At last, they came to the front and stopped at a command distance from Genghis Khan's army. The Mongol chief advanced with his bodyguards and five interpreters, and he welcomed them both. One of them was an ordinary soldier in the Iranian army. Genghis Khan winked at him and turned his attention to the other man. This man was a young man with a very charming personality. He was dressed in Arabic clothes. His long and seven noses and long mustache made him even more terrified. He was riding a beautiful fresh white horse.

Genghis Khan asked him, "You did nothing good by deciding to kill your comrades." "Do you know who I am?" Genghis Khan asked again. "Why not! Who doesn't know Genghis Khan?" and I. My name is Jalaluddin. I am the commander of Sultan KhwarazmShah's army. Introducing himself, Jalaluddin asked, "What is your intention about my city?" Genghis Khan repeated his favorite phrase, "O Turkish chief! Don't you know that there is only one sun in the sky? There is only one God in the universe and only one Khan on earth. That is, in Timogen. Who is the son of the Gobi Desert? Who is the leader of the Mongols and owns more than half of the world? If you accept these facts, be faithful to me and I will give you my life. But if your people try to resist, disobey or disobey the order, I will destroy you all and your bones will crumble to dust. ” Jalaluddin cast a contemptuous glance at Genghis Khan and said, "O Commander of the Golden Army! We are the soldiers of this world. And you are telling people like us only two ways?.. ie slavery or death ”.

Genghis Khan said, "On the condition that you hand over your territory to us without fighting." But if you delay one day, all the leaders and officers of your army will be killed. If it is two days late, the whole army will be wiped out. And if they do not surrender within three days, all the women and children will be annihilated. And if the Chardans start resisting, the bricks of your city will be torn down and every living creature living here will be put to death. Even insects will not survive. And after that, in the blazing sun, a tower of skulls of all of you will be built so that everyone can see what happens to the opponents of Genghis Khan. Jalaluddin replied very sadly. "I knew it all before but I wanted to hear it from you." "Well, are you laying down your arms?" Genghis Khan spoke in a hopeful voice.

The fearlessness and bravery of this Iranian-born Turkish leader had shattered his hopes. Now he was old and wondered how he could conquer the whole world in his life if he had to waste time for one area after another. ''no. Absolutely not. As long as there is life and breath in my body, I will never bow before you. I will fight for the freedom and survival of my nation. And then history will decide which of us was the best fighter? ”Genghis Khan pointed out and hundreds of bows were aimed at Jalaluddin and thousands of archers were anxious to pierce Jalaluddin's chest. Genghis Khan then said, "O young Turk! You have come here and acted very foolishly. Now it will be very easy for us to deprive your army of a leader by marking you here in solitude. How did you think we would give you a chance to fight? ”

Jalaluddin replied in a terrified voice, "Because I knew that I was carrying the banner of peace in my hand and as a fighter, you must know that those who bring the message of peace are not killed." Secondly, if you kill me like this, you will not be able to guess who was the winner in this war! But Genghis Khan watched Jalaluddin in silence for a long time. Then he took a deep breath, and said, "Good! So you decided to die a humiliating death, including your own people. Go back to your army and tell my men my message. Now when I meet you for the second time, you will either be gone or you will be praying for your death. ” Jalaluddin mounted his horse and turned towards his hometown to return and begin preparations for the encounter with Genghis Khan. The main reason for his decision was to block the path of the savage Mongols who were bent on the destruction of mankind. When these Mongols demolished a city and advanced, they would trample or burn as many grain crops as there were in its vicinity so that if some people escaped the blows of their sword, they would starve to death.

At Ganj, where they had to endure a long siege, they closed the river behind the city and diverted it in such a way that the rubble of the city's houses and walls hit it. The diversion of the Jiha River was a surprise to the people. The purpose of this Mongol war was to massacre mankind. Therefore, Jalaluddin chose a decisive battle. Such a decisive contest that will be remembered by the world for a long time. Due to the unintentional decisions of Jalaluddin's father Allauddin, many areas of the Khwarezm Empire had been lost and reduced to ashes. Jalaluddin gathered the baby turtle army at Parwan and breathed new life into them to fight the Tartars. The gates of the city were not yet fully open to Jalaluddin when Genghis Khan's army began to move forward with utmost silence.

The city was located at a considerable height. On one side of it, in the lower area, the river Indus was flowing. And the city was besieged by strong walls on three sides. But within an hour, the Mongol soldiers surrounded him on three sides in the form of a horseshoe. Genghis Khan was sitting in his tent with his legs crossed and sipping fragrant tea. The arrows of his soldiers rained down on the Turkish soldiers standing on the city walls. The sun had reached its final destination. But that dim atmosphere of the evening was turned red by the flames burning from the burning houses inside the city. And with that sinking sun, a fresh contingent of Genghis Khan's archers had reached near the wall. That night, the Mongol army was fighting a handful of Jalaluddin's soldiers.

When the morning dawned, Genghis Khan saw the green crescent flag of the Muslims still waving on the tallest minaret of the city. The sky was thick and the clouds of black smoke were spreading far and wide. Half of the city was burned down that night, but its walls were still standing. Numerous corpses of Mongol soldiers armed with leather weapons lay face down near the foundations of the wall, and Jalaluddin, standing on the wall, waved his hand and gestured. Genghis Khan saw this scene and frowned. It was all very different from what he had expected. Due to the fruitless deaths of his soldiers, Genghis Khan had to create flexibility in his steel principles. He made an offer to Jalaluddin. "Khan Azam is ready to show mercy. And also gave your life, provided you accept its terms. " Genghis Khan's envoy, the Mongol chief, made the offer to Jalaluddin. "His condition is that if you join his army, he is ready to make you loyal and obedient subjects of the Mongol government." Then he looked at the hungry Turkish soldiers and said with a proud smile. We have heaps of food and plenty of water. Our prisoners are getting better food than your army. Why don't you send a gift of soil and water of your city to Genghis Khan as an oath of allegiance?

Jalaluddin rejected Genghis Khan's offer with contempt. Genghis Khan did not expect this answer at all. He summoned his generals and ordered them to avenge the insult. He ordered that the city be conquered today. This order soon spread throughout the army. This was an order that could not be avoided. Every soldier of Genghis Khan's army was going mad with vengeance. This was the last decisive battle. Screaming Mongol soldiers were attacking the walls one after another. Fences of deadly arrows pierced them, and in the field beneath the wall lay the backs of Mongol ships. Jalaluddin's soldiers emptied their quiver and then when they did not have a single arrow left they stood on the wall and waited.. waiting for a hand-to-hand battle with Genghis Khan's army!… ..

The savage army continued the game of fire and blood. It was a decisive battle. Clashes have now been replaced by fierce fighting. The Mongol soldiers did not even bother to trample on the piles of corpses of their own comrades to climb the wall. Stairs were erected along the wall. Turkish soldiers, playing with their lives, began to lower the stairs with their spears. But the stairs had not yet been able to take the screaming soldiers and fall to the rocky ground but were replaced by other stairs. The Turkish army poured boiling oil on the soldiers as they climbed up. The soldiers of Genghis Khan's army screamed in agony. Because of this boiling oil, their hair and clothes were burnt and the ladder slipped from their hands due to the intensity of this pain.

Eventually, a wounded Mongol soldier escaped and tried to regroup with a few of his comrades. And so the Mongols managed to climb the wall and hit every moving object in the city. Some Mongols came down from the wall and opened the main door and the soldiers started marching in the city of Jim Ghafir but the Shelley Turkish soldiers destroyed them. Another group of Mongol presidents reached the burning minarets of the gate. The defending Muslim Turks were still fighting, but now the savage Mongols were gaining ground, and thousands of more Mongol soldiers began to enter the city like a flood of ants.

Genghis Khan had offered a high position to bring Jalaluddin's head. Jalaluddin fought this savage army at every step. Genghis Khan's army was pushing him and his bodyguards from one area to another. Jalaluddin was badly wounded and many of his comrades were killed. However, he was fighting. Eventually, while fighting, he reached a narrow staircase, where Genghis Khan's soldiers took him into a ditch. Climbed the ladder, Jalaluddin was fighting alone. Unprecedented in the agility and sharpness of this brave and valiant chief, each of them killed a heavy little Mongol dressed in shiny weapons and dressed in silk. And at the same time, Jalaluddin took the opportunity to escape. He kept running from roof to roof. His sword was also stuck in the skull of that brave Mongol and was broken. And now he was unarmed. Smoke billowed from the roofs. Jalaluddin picked up a bow and arrow from a dead soldier and tried to stop the assailants with arrows.

Standing on the edge of a roof, Jalaluddin looked down. The ground floor below the two floors was tormented by the Muslims who had been dragged out of their homes by the Mongol savages and brought to the streets and brutally slaughtered. A Mongol officer rode under him on a white horse. It did not take him long to recognize his horse. Jalaluddin dragged a dead Mongol sword and shouted a slogan and jumped from the second floor. His guess was so correct that he stabbed the Mongol chief with his sword and pushed him away on his own horse… .. Mongol soldier without realizing what hurt him… .. his head was gone… .. The horse rolled to one side and the body swayed to the other.

Jalaluddin saddled the horse and patted its neck gently. The terrified horse stood on its hind legs. Jalaluddin held the horse's bridle firmly, then he showed the crowd of human beings from left to right with his swords, which every time he went, and the trained and faithful horse knew the pressure and gesture of his master's legs. So he ran with all his might in this narrow alley. The Mongol soldiers began to scatter here and there. Those who stood in the way of Jalaluddin's speeding horse were on the verge of death. Because the horse was biting them with its teeth and injuring them with its hooves and Jalaluddin was waving his sword all around in the air. Eventually, Jalaluddin managed to get out of the city and reach the valley. The Indus River was flowing to its right, but there were thousands of Genghis soldiers standing between it and the river. Jalaluddin raised his blood and fire in the air and shouted Takbir and attacked the savage army.

Genghis Khan Chinghara "Stop this man" * .. A group of soldiers crawled to behead Jalaluddin. Jalaluddin attacked with his sword with full force and zeal, and he was advancing, raising his proud slogan of Takbir. And the fact is that Jalaluddin was the most courageous and fighting soldier ever to come against the whole Genghis Khan army. His horse was in a state of chaos when he entered the Genghis army. But Jalaluddin managed to break through this group of human beings and get out of the ditch. His horse was bleeding, his body was pierced with arrows, he was a guest for a few moments but that faithful horse breathed as soon as it reached its destination. And finally Jalaluddin reached a small rock on the bank of the river Indus. Her clothes were tattered. And his body was soaked with his own blood. The Indus River was flowing sixty feet below. He swung his sword for the last time and jumped into the river with his wounded horse ... helpless screams came out of the mouths of the onlookers. It was not possible for this man to survive, even his bones would be shattered. To see this scene, Genghis Khan came to the rock on his horse and then saw the human head sinking and emerging in the river Indus sixty feet below. For a while he watched silently Jalaluddin Kharazm Shah. Then he said with a frown, "Happy is the father whose son is so brave."

Genghis Khan's grandson said, "Khan Azam, we will follow him to the river crossing. He is so injured that he cannot cross the river on foot, so we will easily overcome him and follow in his footsteps." ' Genghis Khan stared at the floating man and said something after a sigh. "No, my grandson let him go." Her young grandson was shocked. Old Khan Azam turned and took a look at the burning city whose chief was still dipping in the Indus River. But he was completely devoid of emotion at the time. He was neither happy with victory nor angry with his booty. His mind was just thinking at that time, "Will he really be able to conquer the whole world in his life?" .. Then he said in a whisper. "As a young soldier in the Gobi Desert, he has never seen anything like it before. But before I die today, I must be satisfied. That at least one person will live after me whose bravery and courage will be appreciated by the world. God knows he whispered this to his grandson or to himself.

Jalaluddin crossed the Indus and reached India. Genghis Khan and his army were in pursuit of Jalaluddin. Sheltering Jalaluddin meant inviting Genghis Khan's bloody army, which destroyed everything at once. The King of India, Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Al-Tamish, promised him all possible help, but he did not agree to establish Jalaluddin in India. From here, Jalaluddin left with some of his companions. His comrades would warn the people of the ever-increasing Genghis disaster and thus organize the people and form an army, at the same time he sought help from Baghdad, which the ruler there called the so-called intellectuals. And the hundred scholars rejected it because of its seditious conspiracies. Jalaluddin lost his temper at the refusal of help from Baghdad, lost all enthusiasm, became desperate on all sides and chose the corner of solitude for himself.

Jalaluddin's role in Islamic history is that of a brave, courageous and valiant soldier, but his failure was due to the hypocrisy or sectarianism of his own nation. The secret of the progress and prosperity of any nation lies in its collectiveness. Nations that give priority to every moment and every collectiveness are the nations that rise. Otherwise, even a small force can scatter them like straws. The main reason for the decline of Muslims seems to be the violation of the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to “hold fast to the rope of Allaah and do not divide among yourselves”.

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