
Release Date of Mendirman Jalaluddin Season 2 - Mendirman Celaleddin

Every people searches Mendirman Jalaluddin Season 2 Release Date. Mendirman Jalaluddin is an Uzbek television series directed by Mehmet BozdaÄŸ. This series is a television series based on the life of Jalaluddin. This series shows how Sultan Jalaluddin prevented the rising Mongols from coming to his Khwarazm Empire. Sultan Jalaluddin Khwarazm is a Khwarazmi Sultan who saved the lives of millions of Muslims from the rising oppression and barbarism of the Mongols.


The series aired on Milli TV in Uzbek on February 14, 2021. This series has been well-received in many countries since its release. The Mendirman Jalaluddin series has been shot in both Uzbekistan and Turkey. The series is also very popular in Pakistan, its first season has been a great performance.

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Release Date of Mendirman Jalaluddin Season 2

As the first season of Mendirman Jalaluddin is coming to a successful end, many fans have started searching for when Release Date of Menderman Jalaluddin Season 2. Audience Mehmet BozdaÄŸ, the producer of Mendirman Jalaluddin, has not yet given an expected date in this regard.

When is Mendirman Jalaluddin Season 2 coming out?

There has been no confirmation yet about Menderman Jalaluddin Season 2. Viewers This page will be updated for you guys as soon as any date is revealed about Jalaluddin Season 2.

Mendirman Jalaluddin Plot

This television series is based on the life of Sultan Jalaluddin Mangbarno of the Khwarazm Empire. The series chronicles the life of Jalaluddin when he faced the Mongols along with the troubles of his state. The series shows Jalaluddin working day and night to alleviate his state's woes. In which he also faces the hateful accents of his brother Azlaq Shah and grandmother Targan Hatoon. In this series, Jalaluddin is very concerned about his state and people.

Read: Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah and Genghis Khan

Who was Jalaluddin Khwarazm?

Jalaluddin Khwarazm was the ruler of the Shah Khwarazm Empire who fought hard against the Mongol invasions but the result was unfortunate. After failing to stop the Mongols on the plans of Central Asia, Jalaluddin put aside the fighting between the Seljuks and Khwarazm Shah and tried to form an alliance to stop the Mongols.

Although in 1221 he inflicted a historic defeat on the invincible Mongols, he could not stop them completely and later came to Anatolia. He was defeated by the Seljuk ruler Allauddin Kayqubad and is said to have been killed later by a gypsy.

Mehmet Bozdagh's opinion about Mendirman Jalaluddin

Bozdag says he has been working on the project for two years, which was requested by the Uzbek government and has been shot in 13 installments. He added that he would give it a new angle but the series would be based on the original story.

"We created it to showcase Uzbek culture, geography, and the history of the Transatlantic region," he said.

Bozdag added that the demand for the Jalaluddin Kharazm Shah series is still high, due to Ertugrul's global success.

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