
Why was the assassination of Liaquat Ali necessary?

Liaquat Ali


Now this story has become common. Listen and be ashamed. In this story, we have the history till today, how a conspiratorial gang that is still in power came to power. Why it was necessary to assassinate Liaquat Ali. What were the real reasons behind this?

Pakistan was mortgaged to the United States even before its inception. In May 1947, Raymond Haier, a senator, and political adviser obtained this assurance (Dennis Cox's book, page 33). In September 1947, Mir Layek Ali presented diplomatic credentials to US President Truman, requesting ؑ 2 billion in military aid. We had already received military aid.

When the United States invited our Prime Minister Nehru to visit our enemy country, Liaquat Ali was sorry. In response, he told his ambassador to Iran, Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan, that he would visit Russia. Ali Alvi, Iran's ambassador to Russia, had a friendship with Raja Sahib. When the Prime Minister visited Iran, Ali Alvi was met by Liaquat Ali at the invitation of the ambassadors, and matters were settled. The Russian invitation for the visit was received on June 2 and We passed on June 7 Dated August 20, 1951

The United States reacted, and as its pet dog, British High Commissioner Lawrence Jeffrey Smith warned our Secretary of State, Sir Zafarullah, that the results would not be good. On the other hand, the United States demanded that Pakistan use its personal relations. Liaqat Ali said that we have no interest in blackmailing the coal brokers. At the same time, an order called for all American aircraft to be flown from Pakistani bases immediately.

Now, on the orders of the United States to make the Prime Minister a martyr, a conspiratorial gang of three has been activated in which all the Nawabzada Rajas and British addressees and feudal lords were already displeased with Liaquat Ali. The intelligence department handed over Nawabzada Aitzaz-ud-Din, the head of the CID, to Inspector General and selected Syed Akbar son of Akbar Khan Zadran, a Kurdish chief of Afghanistan, who was used by the British to spread insurgency in Afghanistan. He came to Pakistan and settled in Abbottabad. The British gave him a job in the secret police with security, for which he was paid Rs. 450 or 5 155. Today, if the dollar is Rs. 107, the salary in Pakistani currency will be one lakh.

Meanwhile, the Indian lobby showed its work. The Russian leadership said that the date of the visit should be August 15. It is clear that it was not possible for the Prime Minister to be out of the country on Independence Day. After some adjustments, this date will be October 28. Liaquat Ali decided to make the announcement at a public meeting in Rawalpindi on October 16 but had not been told before.

Syed Akbar came to Rawalpindi with one of his sons and stayed in a hotel in Bohar Chowk for Liaquat Ali. Only one chair will be placed in front of him on the stage. These arrangements were supervised by Interior Minister Nawab Mushtaq Ahmed Gormani himself but officially he was in Karachi. I was attending a cabinet meeting. Syed Akbar was seated in the front row which was reserved for the security personnel. As soon as Liaquat Ali started his speech, two shots were fired at him which according to the official announcement was fired by Syed Akbar. Inspector Najaf Khan, who was present there, shot Syed Akbar twice and killed him, which was his duty. Neither the plaintiff nor the witness was acquitted. Remember, 55 years later, another prime minister who could have ruled Pakistan would be shot dead in the same place, and how hastily the fire brigade, under the supervision of an IG, washed away the scene.

Then Liaqat Ali was taken to CMH 5 km away from there. I was a ninth-grader at the time and my brother was a seventh-grader, we could not reach Company Bagh but lived very close to the hospital. When the news spread, the father would stand with us outside the hospital, where the mourning crowd of Walloons walking from the company garden stood silently waiting for some good news, while inside General Mian Commanding Officer CMH was operating on the Prime Minister. He was a famous surgeon. It is wrong that his operation was done by someone else but later it was said that it was General Mian who killed him on the operating table. But the fact is that the news of the Prime Minister's death was first reported by the BBC.

When newspapers and political leaders shouted and called the interior minister a murderer, a commission of inquiry was formally announced, headed by Nawabzada Aitzaz-ud-Din, but for the sake of suspicion, it included military and Scotland Yard detectives. ۔ The commission was on its way to Karachi by train with its report that its booking was canceled and it was sent by plane. The plane crashed shortly after takeoff near Khyura in Jhelum district. The other goal was to eliminate Aitzaz-ud-Din, who was a central character in the play

Lal Kothi is a famous place in Karachi. It was the residence of Major General Akbar Khan (recruit). His daughter Nighat Akbar used to sing on Pakistan TV. Akbar Khan had published 9 questions about this murder in the newspaper years later. Who will answer them? One question was that the bullets that came out of Liaquat Ali's body were used only by the police or the American army. Is this correct? ... The second question was that the report about the bullet is that it will not run from the bottom up (where Syed Akbar was sitting) from the top down ... from the roof of the company garden gate room ... is that correct? ...? The third question was that when people from the surrounding villages ran for help, there was a fire in the plane that crashed, they found kerosene canisters there. Where did they come from? These questions still need to be answered today. ... Let me clarify that he was the second Major General Akbar Khan who led the war in Kashmir and his two books are "Hadith Defense" and "Our Defense". In 1948 he was a Colonel and he had a meeting with Quaid-e-Azam. I asked why the head of our forces is still a British man ... (he refused to issue orders for an attack on Kashmir by the armed forces) ... Quaid-e-Azam had said to Akbar Khan, "Shut up." It's not your job to think that. "

Editor Dan Zaid A. Salari, probably in an article on October 16, 1957, blamed Nawabzada Mushtaq Ahmed Gormani for the murder. He filed a petition in the Lahore High Court against Dawn. He is in the custody of the Chief Secretary. The court issued a summons on March 2. The Attorney General filed a statement stating that the file was missing. The assassins allowed Begum Rana Liaquat Ali to go out on the promise of complete silence and appointed an ambassador to the Netherlands. But it is part of history that she remained silent till her death. She never gave an interview to radio or TV. Ashraf is still alive but anonymous ... The widow of the assassin Syed Akbar was married to a police officer (uncertified) but her two children will be granted US citizenship. She is a professor there.

This is where the story ends because after that a drunken and paralyzed man Ghulam Muhammad was made the head of state. He broke the assembly of Governor-General Alhaj Nazimuddin, who was to be made the Prime Minister, and sacked him. Fearing being killed on the way, he will wear a burqa and file an appeal in the Supreme Court. But Chief Justice Munir invented the "theory of necessity" and ruled in favor of the Governor-General

Pakistan's ambassador to the United States, Muhammad Ali Bogra, was recalled and made prime minister, who returned to his post two years later

Do you still have any doubt in your mind that this conspiratorial group has been in power since then and those who dream of an Islamic state have been asking who is a Muslim?

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